Friday, April 17, 2009

Special For Eastern Orthodox Easter this Sunday!!

If you order this: 
By midnight, Sunday, April 19th, Japan Central Standard Time, and in the comments section of the checkout you write “give me my spice for flee” (or something like that), we will give it to you for free, no charge, even if you don’t order anything else, just the spice.  Of course if you don’t order anything else we’ll have bad thoughts about you, we’ll curse your name, we might even use bad language in reference to your mother.  Because we are really not in the business of giving things away for free, it’s just a scam to try and get you to look at our website because we think you’ll find things there that you want to buy, but you don’t have to, unless you want to, and we encourage you to want to.  And by “we”, we mean “I”.  

Follow The Meat Guy on Twitter!
 I sometimes give away free stuff on Twitter, I suggest you check it out.  Recent posts:

I tend to talk to myself, a lot - OUTLOUD


I started to use a British accent, that way I feel like it’s someone else talking to me.


But then I realized that I don’t really like British accents, mostly because I suck at doing any accent other than “redneck”.


Then it occurred to me that I like it when cute schoolgirls talk to me, so I started to use my cute schoolgirl voice when speaking to myself.


Sometimes the schoolgirl makes the cutest, dreamy, sighs, aaaaaahhhhhh....


My staff really think that I need to get a private office.


Buy meat from the meat guy!  Please!