The Meat Guy's Original Naked Wing Sauce - Your wings will never go naked again! We set out to make the best buffalo wing sauce ever and we did even better - this stuff is awesome. Really, those girls at that restaurant chain that rhymes with "tooters" were all seriously drooping once they heard about this. It's spicy, bold, even just a little smoky, slather it on wings or anything else that needs some dressing up. Everything will just be naked without it.
Monday, March 30, 2009
New Product!! Wing Sauce, and it's great!
The Meat Guy's Original Naked Wing Sauce - Your wings will never go naked again! We set out to make the best buffalo wing sauce ever and we did even better - this stuff is awesome. Really, those girls at that restaurant chain that rhymes with "tooters" were all seriously drooping once they heard about this. It's spicy, bold, even just a little smoky, slather it on wings or anything else that needs some dressing up. Everything will just be naked without it.
Meat News Volume 12ish – Love is in the Meat!
Meat News Volume 12ish – Love is in the Meat!
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This is a newsletter that is being sent to you because I thought you might be interested or because you requested a subscription. If you are not interested, please let me know and I will take you off this list. If you are not interested, have told me so but are still receiving this letter it is because we are blinded by love and can’t seem to read the manual on this computer. Also, if you are offended in any way, we’ve already given our selves the iron-to-the-toe treatment on your behalf.
Happy February to all, it is the time of the year for the Valentine’s celebrations and we’ve got some good luvin’ for you. A lot of folks don’t know this but in addition to being an expert on all things meaty, I’m also a bit of Love Doctor. Kind of a like cupid, in the sense that I’m a bit pudgy and have been inappropriately naked in public more times than I care to remember. As a service to the community this fine Valentine season I’ve put together a few amorous tips for the fellows and a couple for the ladies as well.
I wasn’t always the connoisseur of romantic escapades that I am now. Back at the
Customizing your personality can be a bit of a tricky undertaking. It’s a sad fact that the one the ladies want, is not the one you have. I tried the whole “be yourself” approach on a number of last dates. I was being nothing but honest when I shared that I was into nudey bars, drinking beer till I fall in a ditch, and looking up the skirts of high schools girls on the escalator. Alas, women just don’t like honest, I think it started with their fathers who lied to them from the day they born, pretending to like to play tea or just assuming the strong silent posture because silence is a good way to keep your daughter from learning to curse. While you probably can’t make a complete character overhaul in time for February 14th, there are some small steps you can take. For example, try standing in front of the mirror and dropping an iron on your toe from shoulder height, keep doing it until you don’t even flinch when it hits, then plug it in and try it a few more times, now you should at least be able to go shoe shopping with your wife.
If you don’t have the looks and you can’t fake the personality, there is still one area that you can excel at like no other. Long before there was such as thing as dollars or yen, pesos or euros, the currency exchange of the love market was meat! Back during the last ice age it was the hunter that rolled up in his caveman Chevy Eldorado chock full ‘o mammoth meat that drove the cavechicks wild. Bison bones were the bling of the day and nothing said “I love you” like a hambone in your pocket. Take it from me, these methods still work today. I used to have to beat ‘em off with a stick whenever I went to the club, that is until they kicked me out for getting maple breakfast sausage grease all over the floor. If you want to get your lady in the mood for some lovin’, the smell of some back bacon frying will do the trick. To really activate the woman’s primordial meat worshipping urges be sure to rip your shirt open and mess up your hair a little bit as you pay the delivery driver for your parcel from The Meat Guy.
Ladies, the second best gift you can give your man on Valentine’s day is big ‘ol ribeye steak followed up with a nice slice of cheesecake. If you need a clue as to what the best gift is then just check the history file on his web browser. But ignore that “” link, that was probably just a mistake. You might have heard that here in
Finally, discussions of devotion always seem to lead to one inevitable question for me so I’d like to state clearly for the record that at no time during the nunchucks trainings sessions behind the barn was there any bovine lovin’ going on. It was nunchucks only, and maybe some ninja stars, because they teach you early on the ranch that mooo means nooo...
Happy Valentiny,
-jp, L.D.
TMG International YK
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